– open 7 days a week from 7am to 9pm –
Duis auctor at lorem ipsum dolor nulla glavriadac – nibh interdum s interdum vel sollicitudin nibhlod.
Suspendisse auctor volutpat turpis, vel sollicitudin nibh interdum non. Praesent quis tortor et est finibus dignissim quis id leo. Suspendisse tempor consectetur odio!

Baby Clinic
Early identification and intervention play a vital role in improving the medical and psychosocial prognosis of the neurodevelopment condition. If left unattended during the early developmental years, cerebral palsy and its concomitant complications may prove to be fatal for the life of an innocent child. Owing to this, the CP Wing takes extensive measures to impart early intervention and care. The baby clinic provides early detection, screening, diagnosis, and intervention services for new-borns and babies up to three years of age. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, eye-hand coordination, and fine motor and gross motor skill development are some of the core services provided by the baby clinic in addition to services by the pediatric specialist and parents’ training/psychoeducation. A total of 55 children including 35 males and 20 females benefitted from the baby clinic services during the year 2021-22.
Lorem ipsum dolor! Duis auctor at lorem ipsum dolor nulla glavriadac – nibh interdum s interdum vel sollicitudin nibhlod.
Suspendisse auctor volutpat turpis, vel sollicitudin nibh interdum non. Praesent quis tortor et est finibus dignissim quis id leo.

Duis auctor at lorem ipsum dolor nulla glavriadac – nibh interdum s interdum vel sollicitudin nibhlod.
Suspendisse auctor volutpat turpis, vel sollicitudin nibh interdum non. Praesent quis tortor et est finibus dignissim quis id leo. Suspendisse tempor consectetur odio!
322 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048
011 233 45 67